Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mobius Final Fantasy: Solider 1st Class Job!

After trying to get the job since it was made available in Mobius & having no luck in getting it, I finally managed to get it! Woo-hoo! Was saving up my tickets & was going to try again again after I finished up the Mako reactor 3 level. Went to the shop & summon away I went. Ran upstairs to grab something to drink, came back & my eyes widened by the sight of a job card. But not just any job, but the one I've trying to get all this time. And yes, it was the one! Soldier 1st Class!

It was easy leveling it up nearly to max because I had already finished up Shogun & had a lot of seeds stocked up. I think I'm missing one panel, but it'll get done really soon. Can't wait! Having a lot of fun with this job & I use the ultimate as soon as it's ready. haha. 

I also got Cloud's new card & I'm aiming to get Aerith's card which I've rented & really like. Wish me luck because of you know, the luck I've had in getting Soldier 1st Class. haha. 

Take it easy everyone. Until next time. Aloha. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Finished A King's Tale - Final Fantasy XV

And boy did I enjoy this game a lot. Short, but sweet. Reminds me of all those beat 'em up games I grew up playing  in the arcades & on consoles. Must be the graphics of the game, but who knows. haha.

The gameplay is pretty damn good & pulling off combos is nice & easy. Each enemy has a certain way to fight them & once you figure that out, combat become a lot easier. Damn skeletons always interrupting my combos, here have a nice shield bash to the face. XD I think the most annoying enemy in the game for me was Cactuar. Just plain annoying, especially when you got 2 or 3 of them with a bunch of other enemies. Oh boy.

Probably the best thing I like about the game, most likely is the nice little story it has. King Regis & Clarus are just 2 of my favorite characters in Final Fantasy XV as they're both badasses. Then we got Grandpa Cid making an appearance & even Weskham too. (Wesky! =P) I know I'm not the only one who would love to have DLC of playable King Regis & his group back in the day.

I now have the dream battles to do, which I've already taken care of the first two dream battles. This game is a nice break from Final Fantasy XV & if I were to rate it, I'd give this game a 4/5 & I will play it again most definitely.

And here's the snapshot of when I got the trophy for finishing the game. woo-hoo! 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

FF Brave Exvius Lightning Awakened!

Well it took awhile, no actually a VERY LONG TIME, but I finally got Lightning awakened in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius! Lightning is my first 6 star so I'm pretty excited! I'm saving up my materials, tickets & lapis, etc if they ever bring Nyx to global. Saw the videos of him in action & I can't wait! But back to Lightning. Realizing I just need a few more materials to awaken Lightning, I think it started when we got 2000 phantoma compensation. So off to visit King Mog & got exactly what I needed. 

As I've said many times before & you guys probably know this by now, Lightning is by far my favorite Final Fantasy character so I'm pretty happy with her now. Just need to level her up & gear her better while I go for her trust master reward. So back to work. haha

Friday, January 13, 2017

And Final Fantasy XV is Completed!

Woo-hoo! Sharing this pic from my Twitter. @Nyx_Ulric

Now I force myself to go back & finish up quests, getting weapons, going through dungeons, etc.

But let's take it back a bit & let me share my thoughts of going through this game. Or rather the 2nd half of the game.

I heard from plenty of people they didn't like the 2nd half of the game & that the 1st half is way better due to not being so linear & whatnot. I was part of the group who blew that off & said that I'll see it for myself. And I guess they were somewhat right, although I didn't think it was as bad as they make it out to be. I do say the first half is still better though, I can agree with that.

By the time I got to the part where I had to go save Prompto it was already downhill for me. I pretty much forced myself to play through the game & actually managed to finish the game in one night. I found going the base & saving Prompto to be one of the most annoying parts in all of the games I've ever played. Pretty much gave up trying to hide & Solid Snake my way through the base. When I ran into a shop, I stocked up on potions because I just stood there using the Ring of the Lucii to kill enemies, no dodging or anything. Getting Sword of the Father made things a lot better, but still, this part of the game is very annoying to me & at parts I almost fell asleep playing.

Going back home & fighting Ardyn was ok, I think it could have been better. But at this point I was just forcing myself to finish the game. Which I can happily say I did. As Tabata stated the ending was left vague on purpose, so I guess happy ending for me? haha, maybe.

Anyways, I really want to go back & get things that I missed. Especially want to get Nyx's kukris weapon which I'll do once I get my level up & some upgraded gear.

In all, I give Final Fantasy XV a solid 8/10.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

FF Record Keeper - Guess what, I got my favorite catgirl!

After rushing through to get this event finished, I managed to make it through & get my favorite Miqo'te in the world. Oh & I also got Minfilia & the others that were available. 

I also managed to get Y'shtola's staff too! I was trying to get Y'shtola decked out in her gear, but no such luck. But I'm happy I got her staff, I'll eventually get the rest of her gear. I really want to get her fully geared with her gear just cause it's her stuff & I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel complete with stuff that's missing. lol

I already have Y'shtola to lv.30 without any growth eggs. I find it so much easier & fun when you use a character you like & have fun using. I'll go & level Y'shtola up once I'm done sharing this entry, maybe even break her level cap too. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Fun With Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Christmas & New Years is over & I hope everyone had a good time on both those days. I know I did so I hope you guys did too.

Decided to play some Final Fantasy Record Keeper to pass the time & also because I saw that there's a Final Fantasy XIII event going on. And if you know me, you know that Lightning is by far my favorite female character in all of Final Fantasy. My #1!!!

I don't have all that much time to play, but I really wanted Lightning's wardrobe reward since it's my favorite costume of hers that she wears. My only obstacle of obtaining said costume was I don't have very high stamina, so I had to exercise some patience & wait until my stamina refilled to keep playing. But guess what? I got the costume in the end! woo-hoo!

Finished up part 1, still need to upgrade & other stuff before I ever try part 2 of this event or any dungeon for that matter. But I had a great time, got what I came here for, got some new characters to choose & I still have the Final Fantasy XIV to do too. So I have to have a go at that one soon because I need to get Y'shtola. Yeah!

So anyways, take care everyone & until next time. Aloha!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

FFXV - Ultima Blade is mine!

It started off as, "I'll get it later", until a few friends on Twitter said I could actually get the Ultima Blade pretty early on in the game which I am in. Even then I shrugged it off, but then it bugged me that it finally turned into, "Fine, I'll go get it so it'll stop bugging me"! lol

Off to get the hunt so I can grab a sturdy helixhorn while at the same time raising my hunt level. I didn't know it was going to be THAT difficult to get a horn from Cid to upgrade my engine blade. I think I spent about 3 hours reloading my save before the sturdy helixhorn finally dropped. But it did after all that time which prompted me save my game soon after battle.

After making a quick trip back to Hammerhead & giving Cid the horn, off to do some hunts & some battles near Hammerhead. To pass the time, used the weapons I started off with which I found quite interesting, especially going to fight Bandersnatch who annihilated me. lol

Back to Hammerhead & a quick stay overnight in the RV & Cid calls me the next the morning letting me know to pick up my upgraded weapon. After a nice little story about King Regis & Cid, the Ultima blade is finally mine! So to try it out, it was round 2 with Bandersnatch & the outcome was different this time. Very nice weapon, I think I'll keep it.