Before going any further, if you don't want any spoilers, then you should avoid this post because I am so going to spoil you rotten, not really, but there will be spoilers. hehe. If not, then hey! Read on!
I skipped going into the dungeons or shrines. I got so bored & annoyed going through the Earth shrine. Sure I could have gotten some really cool & great items, especially gear that would given me a much easier time with Chaos, but I just wanted to finish this game A.S.A.P! So I after the 2nd time finishing the Earth Shrine, I decided to move on to the Chaos shrine to give Garland/Chaos an ass whooping!
So here we are my fellow Warriors of Light! End game! And look who's here. Garland. The one dude we mopped the floor with in the beginning of the game. He had quite the interesting story & the way things came about. But I must defeat you & fulfill the prophecy! Cheesy yes I know. haha.
And here Garland is, transformed into Chaos. And giving the typical evil villain speech. Although deep down inside he knows we're going to kick his ass. On a side note, as a kid watching my older brother & sister play this, I thought Garland was one of the coolest villains I had ever seen at the time.
Was too busy fighting or should I say healing to take screenshots because this guy hits hard! I don't think my white mage attacked even once. I'd heal then POW! Chaos would wipe away almost half of my HP in one go. As you can see in this screenshot, my warrior got hit so hard he didn't receive most of his HP from being healed. In fact, I think he got felled once & I had to revive him.
But in the end, not even Chaos can defeat the Warriors of Light. Tough battle, but I sure had fun. I knew I shouldn't have overwritten some of my previous saves because I would've liked to gone back & played through the other shrines besides the Earth shrine. Ah well, I can always start a whole new game when I finish Final Fantasy VI
In closing, loved the story for this game. And the ending had me paying attention the what happened in the end. Wonderful characters, great story, excellent gameplay of course. NES version finished & now the PSP version of Final Fantasy I is finished. Classic game. Shall we move onto Final Fantasy VI now? Join me on a new adventure! See you guys there. =]