Tuesday, December 27, 2016

FFXV - Ultima Blade is mine!

It started off as, "I'll get it later", until a few friends on Twitter said I could actually get the Ultima Blade pretty early on in the game which I am in. Even then I shrugged it off, but then it bugged me that it finally turned into, "Fine, I'll go get it so it'll stop bugging me"! lol

Off to get the hunt so I can grab a sturdy helixhorn while at the same time raising my hunt level. I didn't know it was going to be THAT difficult to get a horn from Cid to upgrade my engine blade. I think I spent about 3 hours reloading my save before the sturdy helixhorn finally dropped. But it did after all that time which prompted me save my game soon after battle.

After making a quick trip back to Hammerhead & giving Cid the horn, off to do some hunts & some battles near Hammerhead. To pass the time, used the weapons I started off with which I found quite interesting, especially going to fight Bandersnatch who annihilated me. lol

Back to Hammerhead & a quick stay overnight in the RV & Cid calls me the next the morning letting me know to pick up my upgraded weapon. After a nice little story about King Regis & Cid, the Ultima blade is finally mine! So to try it out, it was round 2 with Bandersnatch & the outcome was different this time. Very nice weapon, I think I'll keep it. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV

Got this wonderful game for Christmas from my cousin's friend @GladiolusFFXV & I have to say, it's quite the surprise. It reminds me so much of the old school beat 'em games I used to play at the local Fun Factory arcade we had in Kona & on NES & SNES. 

A King's Tale is a pretty simple game but it's a lot of fun. Really enjoy the combat & the story is pretty good so far. And it only makes it better that my favorite Final Fantasy XV character is the main character of the game. I've made it up to the part when King Regis just makes it into the cave, but I decided to go back & take screenshots of my progress this time. 

Below are some shots of the 1st chapter. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Final Fantasy XV - Start of a New Game

Just a quick entry before I forget to write it.

So I finally got my copy of Final Fantasy XV for PS4 after many delays, seems like an eternity since I've waiting for so long. Been playing for about 6 hours now with the usual hour break in-between sessions. Let me tell you man, so much to do & explore, I've played about 6 in from the start & I'm only up to the quest where you have to take the package to the motel fro Cidney. haha. I've been having too much. So much fun, I forgot to take screenshots of my gameplay. Next time. lol