Monday, January 30, 2017

Finished A King's Tale - Final Fantasy XV

And boy did I enjoy this game a lot. Short, but sweet. Reminds me of all those beat 'em up games I grew up playing  in the arcades & on consoles. Must be the graphics of the game, but who knows. haha.

The gameplay is pretty damn good & pulling off combos is nice & easy. Each enemy has a certain way to fight them & once you figure that out, combat become a lot easier. Damn skeletons always interrupting my combos, here have a nice shield bash to the face. XD I think the most annoying enemy in the game for me was Cactuar. Just plain annoying, especially when you got 2 or 3 of them with a bunch of other enemies. Oh boy.

Probably the best thing I like about the game, most likely is the nice little story it has. King Regis & Clarus are just 2 of my favorite characters in Final Fantasy XV as they're both badasses. Then we got Grandpa Cid making an appearance & even Weskham too. (Wesky! =P) I know I'm not the only one who would love to have DLC of playable King Regis & his group back in the day.

I now have the dream battles to do, which I've already taken care of the first two dream battles. This game is a nice break from Final Fantasy XV & if I were to rate it, I'd give this game a 4/5 & I will play it again most definitely.

And here's the snapshot of when I got the trophy for finishing the game. woo-hoo! 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

FF Brave Exvius Lightning Awakened!

Well it took awhile, no actually a VERY LONG TIME, but I finally got Lightning awakened in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius! Lightning is my first 6 star so I'm pretty excited! I'm saving up my materials, tickets & lapis, etc if they ever bring Nyx to global. Saw the videos of him in action & I can't wait! But back to Lightning. Realizing I just need a few more materials to awaken Lightning, I think it started when we got 2000 phantoma compensation. So off to visit King Mog & got exactly what I needed. 

As I've said many times before & you guys probably know this by now, Lightning is by far my favorite Final Fantasy character so I'm pretty happy with her now. Just need to level her up & gear her better while I go for her trust master reward. So back to work. haha

Friday, January 13, 2017

And Final Fantasy XV is Completed!

Woo-hoo! Sharing this pic from my Twitter. @Nyx_Ulric

Now I force myself to go back & finish up quests, getting weapons, going through dungeons, etc.

But let's take it back a bit & let me share my thoughts of going through this game. Or rather the 2nd half of the game.

I heard from plenty of people they didn't like the 2nd half of the game & that the 1st half is way better due to not being so linear & whatnot. I was part of the group who blew that off & said that I'll see it for myself. And I guess they were somewhat right, although I didn't think it was as bad as they make it out to be. I do say the first half is still better though, I can agree with that.

By the time I got to the part where I had to go save Prompto it was already downhill for me. I pretty much forced myself to play through the game & actually managed to finish the game in one night. I found going the base & saving Prompto to be one of the most annoying parts in all of the games I've ever played. Pretty much gave up trying to hide & Solid Snake my way through the base. When I ran into a shop, I stocked up on potions because I just stood there using the Ring of the Lucii to kill enemies, no dodging or anything. Getting Sword of the Father made things a lot better, but still, this part of the game is very annoying to me & at parts I almost fell asleep playing.

Going back home & fighting Ardyn was ok, I think it could have been better. But at this point I was just forcing myself to finish the game. Which I can happily say I did. As Tabata stated the ending was left vague on purpose, so I guess happy ending for me? haha, maybe.

Anyways, I really want to go back & get things that I missed. Especially want to get Nyx's kukris weapon which I'll do once I get my level up & some upgraded gear.

In all, I give Final Fantasy XV a solid 8/10.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

FF Record Keeper - Guess what, I got my favorite catgirl!

After rushing through to get this event finished, I managed to make it through & get my favorite Miqo'te in the world. Oh & I also got Minfilia & the others that were available. 

I also managed to get Y'shtola's staff too! I was trying to get Y'shtola decked out in her gear, but no such luck. But I'm happy I got her staff, I'll eventually get the rest of her gear. I really want to get her fully geared with her gear just cause it's her stuff & I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel complete with stuff that's missing. lol

I already have Y'shtola to lv.30 without any growth eggs. I find it so much easier & fun when you use a character you like & have fun using. I'll go & level Y'shtola up once I'm done sharing this entry, maybe even break her level cap too. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Fun With Final Fantasy Record Keeper

Christmas & New Years is over & I hope everyone had a good time on both those days. I know I did so I hope you guys did too.

Decided to play some Final Fantasy Record Keeper to pass the time & also because I saw that there's a Final Fantasy XIII event going on. And if you know me, you know that Lightning is by far my favorite female character in all of Final Fantasy. My #1!!!

I don't have all that much time to play, but I really wanted Lightning's wardrobe reward since it's my favorite costume of hers that she wears. My only obstacle of obtaining said costume was I don't have very high stamina, so I had to exercise some patience & wait until my stamina refilled to keep playing. But guess what? I got the costume in the end! woo-hoo!

Finished up part 1, still need to upgrade & other stuff before I ever try part 2 of this event or any dungeon for that matter. But I had a great time, got what I came here for, got some new characters to choose & I still have the Final Fantasy XIV to do too. So I have to have a go at that one soon because I need to get Y'shtola. Yeah!

So anyways, take care everyone & until next time. Aloha!