Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mobius Final Fantasy: Solider 1st Class Job!

After trying to get the job since it was made available in Mobius & having no luck in getting it, I finally managed to get it! Woo-hoo! Was saving up my tickets & was going to try again again after I finished up the Mako reactor 3 level. Went to the shop & summon away I went. Ran upstairs to grab something to drink, came back & my eyes widened by the sight of a job card. But not just any job, but the one I've trying to get all this time. And yes, it was the one! Soldier 1st Class!

It was easy leveling it up nearly to max because I had already finished up Shogun & had a lot of seeds stocked up. I think I'm missing one panel, but it'll get done really soon. Can't wait! Having a lot of fun with this job & I use the ultimate as soon as it's ready. haha. 

I also got Cloud's new card & I'm aiming to get Aerith's card which I've rented & really like. Wish me luck because of you know, the luck I've had in getting Soldier 1st Class. haha. 

Take it easy everyone. Until next time. Aloha.